New Inappropriate Motivational Girl Power postcards - added to my Etsy store!
Whoop! Whoop! Lets keep the postal service in business shall we???

I just added some fun motivational post cards in my ETSY shop! So fun! I love, love, love, love sending mail! I have sent cards and postcards to friends and family my entire life! Every time I take a trip I always find time to track down some postcards before I leave to send to friends! I even drug Dan all around Cusco, Peru not only to find the postcards, but we also had to find a legit post office. It was no easy task! Postcards are getting harder and harder to find. In fact, when I went to Ohio two years ago I almost couldn't find any! The drugstores didn't even have them! So crazy! Maybe because nobody visits Ohio? Ha! Ha! (I can only say that because that is where I am from.)
A few years ago a friend of mine created a postcard club and invited me to be in it. Every quarter we make a post card out of our art supplies, make copies and send them to each other. There is nothing better than walking out to the mailbox and getting happy mail! (Not just bills and junk mail!). Do you like getting cards or post cards in the mail? Or am I just an old lady that lives in the past?
Hope you have a great week friends!